I can only do my best, if I do what I can do best. I do best the things I believe in. Those things that make my heart beat faster, the things that don't let me sleep, but progress- first in mind, then setting plan to action. Follow the path that's been set and laid out in your heart, soul and mind. Only through this you'll be able to walk your own way and keep standing tall. Do not back down!

These were the thoughts that we're flushing through my head while watching "Live Of The Artists" by Relentless. In beautiful and breathtaking pictures it follows the lives of surfers, snowboarders and musicians, all artists in their own way, but most importantly: ON THEIR OWN TERMS! Featured are the snowboarder Xavier de le Rue in Greenland, the surfers Tom Lowe, Fergal Smith and Mickey Smith in Teahupoo, Tahiti and British punk band Gallows touring the U.S.

The intro sets the tone for the next 75 minutes and extracts the essence in the following words, as displayed in the picture:
'To be a poet, to be an artist, meant more than writing or painting or singing; it meant having a vision and courage to see that vision through, despite any opposition.
What didn't kill you made you stronger and if you had what it took you were rare and wonderous, and if you didn't it couldn't be faked'
- Danny Sugerman

"Live Of The Artists" also reminds and illustrates that this uncompromising way of life unites those who live for their art whether they surf,snowboard, paint, sing, act, build, play music or do whatever makes them free.
There's just nothing to prove, nothing to pretend, nobody to please...just following that one path and get a point across!
Enjoy this ode to freedom and art wrapped in stunning pictures and get blown (away) by the feeling! A huge Thank You! to RELENTLESS for making this movie available for free.
If there's just one more person turning to follow his or her beliefs the efforts creating this movie, writing those songs, surfing those waves and maybe even writing these lines made complete sense and a positive effect on the bigger picture.
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