Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sound and art: Edge - the movie to a lifestyle

Soon the documentary "EDGE -perspectives on a drug free culture" will be released. Having grown up with Hardcore and Punk music I have also been in contact with the Straight Edge scene. It describes an approach to life without any drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or promiscuity. The scene received it's name from the song "Straight Edge" by the band Minor Threat released 28 years ago. Their singer Ian MacKaye is also featured in the movie opens some interesting perspectives on the issue.

I always had a lot of respect for this scene, even it wasn't my way. Still I always distinguished in between those who do it just for themselves and maybe tell about it and those who perceive themselves on a mission and believe that they have to convince the whole world. I perceive it as a personal decision and this is what it should stay in my opinion.

However, I defintely recommend to give this flick a try. I am sure it will provide some interesting perspectives and insights into an alternative approach to life which has definitely something to offer. Plus, a differentiated view on life and things is a MUST!!!!

Check the trailer for a first taste:

And definitely visit the hp for more interesting background information:


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